Books On B&O History

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10013 Cabooses of the B&O Railroad, by Bob Hubler. 1994. 176 pages. Thorough history, rosters and diagrams. A fully comprehensive and authoritative book on B&O cabooses. Published by this Society. Tons of B/W & Color Photos. Hardback. 39.00

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10023 American Locomotive Builders by John H. White. 112 pages, many illustrations, 1982. A short history of the many builders of steam locos. Well over a hundred makers are listed. Soft back. 6.00

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10025 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Diesel Locomotive Roster Third Edition by James Mischke. This is a "must have" booklet that will provide comprehensive information on each of the diesels that operated on the B&O. For example, there is a diesel locomotive roster that provides a brief history on each engine, when it was built, it's original engine number, it's succeeding numbers, when it was disposed of, and provides engine assignments for March, 1950; October, 1956; January, 1958; and January, 1959. 49.95

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10044 C&O and B&O Cabooses - Display and Private Owner Cars, VOL ONE, by Dwight Jones. Has 230 B/W photographs of 200 B&O or C&O cabooses, where they now sit, as they are now painted, in 25 states and Canada. See cabooses in museums, backyards, on short lines and tourist lines. Some restored to accurate paint and lettering, some with unique paint. Arranged by class and series, with a section on moving cabooses by truck. 80 pages, color covers. Softbound. 15.95

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10054 "Cabooses - Display and Private Owner Cars, Volume II", by Dwight Jones. S/C, 80 pgs, B/W. Continues from Vol I with more cabs and more cases of moving a caboose 16.95

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10067 "Cabooses - Display and Private Owner Cars Volume III", by Dwight Jones. Continuing the series , including more caboose moves 17.95

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10084 "Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway (BR&P) In Color, Volume 2: Pennsylvania-Middle Division" by Mike Zollitsch. Covers the BR&P line in pictures from Salamanca to DuBois. ISBN 1-58248-210-1. 59.95

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10112 "BR&P In Color, Vol 3 - Pennsylvania-Pittsburgh Div" by Mike Zollitsch 59.95

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10123 "To the Wide Missouri", by Louis Garavaglia. Hard copy, 384 pp. Explores all types of transportation taking the people westward. Routes used and life details into the 1840s 28.00

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10126 "C&O/B&O Cabooses, Display and Private Owner Cars, Volume IV", by Dwight Jones. Soft cover, 80 pages, B/W. 78 more cabooses with lives after the railroad. 18.95

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10131 "BR&P in Color V4: Partners and Connections", by Mike Zollitsch. B&O, Erie, PRR, NYC, LV, and others; steam and diesel. This book has photos ranging from the mid-1940s to 2002. About 75% of the pictures are pre-1980, and maybe 50% or better are pre-1960. Chapters cover individual connecting railroads, including: The Ontario Car Ferry Company; Genesee & Wyoming; Pennsylvania Railroad at Machias, NY; Buffalo, NY Connections (railroads/Lake boats, around Buffalo/Niagara Falls/Canadian border); Erie Railway (Erie's mainline plus entire Bradford Division); Pittsburg Shawmut & Northern/Pittsburg & Shawmut; Buffalo & Susquehanna (B&O); New York Central around Clearfield, PA; Pittsburgh & Western/B&O (Butler and Northern Subs, with some on the P&W main). Other things within the chapters include the Bradford Bordell & Kinzua, Tonawanda Valley & Cuba, Tionesta Valley, Kushequa Route. Anyone with an interest in the B&O or Northwestern PA region will surely enjoy this book. 59.95

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10142 "Encyclopedia of B&O Cabooses Vol 1, The Modern Cars", by Dwight Jones. This is the first of several volumes on B&O cabooses by the noted author of preceding softcover books. based upon almost 50 years of research, this hardcover book covers the C-26 through C-28 class cabs and Safety versions during the 1970s. 176 pgs with a short color section in the back. 41.99

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10145 "Encyclopedia of B&O Cabooses", Vol 2, Cars Built 1952 to 1966, by Dwight Jones. Hardbound, 176 pgs. Covers the I-17, I-18, and some related models, including photos, diagrams, lists, and notes of differences. Color photos at back of book. Also ancillary subjects as paint/lettering, trucks, and chapters on the DuBois Shops and International Car Co. This book follows the same format as volume 1 released a year earlier and includes very detailed coverage of cabooses built for the B&O from 1952 to 1966 including some miscellaneous cars added to the roster after that period. Coverage includes the I-17 class, I-17A class, I-18 class, C-15B class, M-26 boxcar conversions and wood cars transferred from C&O to B&O. Each detailed chapter includes extensive photo coverage, history text, dimensional diagram and a detailed roster by individual caboose number. There is a detailed listing of the I-17 and I-17A cabooses and where they were assigned prior to caboose pooling. Extensive coverage is included on the implementation of caboose pooling including internal company reports and communications as well as the various dates when specific regions of the B&O implemented pooling. Additional chapters cover I-18 Safety Cabooses, the Du Bois car shops, International Car Company, caboose costs, a map of B&O car shops, caboose trucks, caboose markers and company summary information on cabooses including a graph showing how many cabooses by class were on the railroad on January 1, 1965. Official B&O Painting and Lettering drawings are reproduced in a manner that all dimensional data is readable and useable by the reader. An interview with a B&O official explains how the M-26 boxcar conversions came about and an interview with Frankly Carr explains how the Chessie image was developed. This book is a must for B&O history students as well as modelers. 41.99

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10150 "Encyclopedia of B&O Cabooses, Vol 3, Wagon-tops and Others", by Dwight Jones. 208 pages with 13 in color, covering the I-5 and I-12 classes plus I-7, I-13, and I-14. Additional chapters on details. Indexed by subject and photo. 46.99

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10151 "West of Cumberland, Book One, Grafton to Wheeling", by Terry Arbogast. A huge book of more that 460 pages, with 16 in color. This book covers the route starting from Grafton with historical text and human interest stories by the people who operated the line. Many B/W photos and nicely done maps. 65.00

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10159 The BORHS Company Store is no longer offering this book. Receive a signed copy, delivered for $24.00 (incl. S&H), or unsigned copy for $27.00 (incl. S&H) , by sending a check to:
Pocahontas Co. Society of Model Engineers
c/o Bruce Elliott
808 North Fork Loop, Green Bank, WV 24944
"The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad's Pittsburgh Division" by Society member Bruce Elliott. An all-color book from Arcadia's 'Images of Modern America' series, this 95 page book has been compiled by Society member Bruce Elliott using his own photographs of B&O lines in the Pittsburgh area. The railroads included are the B&O Main Line; Pittsburgh and Western; Somerset and Cambria; Fairmont, Morgantown and Pittsburgh; and Wheeling, Pittsburgh and Baltimore.
10160 "Encyclopedia of B&O Cabooses, Vol 4, I-5 and I-16 Cars" by Dwight Jones. Covers the I-5 and I-16 classes. Additional chapters on Updates to previous volume and caboose details similar to previous volumes. Indexed by subject and photo. 46.99

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10164 "C&O/B&O Cabooses, Display and Private Owner Cars, Volume V", by Dwight Jones. Soft cover, 80 pages, B/W. 68 more cabooses with lives after the railroad. Also, more scenes of cabooses being moved. 21.95

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10167 "West of Cumberland, Book Two, MR / Short Line", by Terry Arbogast. Covers the B&O MR sub route between Fairmont and Clarksburg (with its beginnings as the Monongahela River RR) and the Short Line Sub between Clarksburg and Brooklyn Jct. The book is hardbound, comprising 488 pages on 100# coated paper (24 pages in color), with 350 photos. It contains a history of the lines with information of their construction and of early wrecks. Many dozens of railroaders who ran over these lines were interviewed (over 100 pages in book). Detailed maps show the lines as they were in the 1920's. 65.00

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10168 "B&O Power in Color, Volume 2, Switchers, RDC's, 1st Gen Roadswitchers", by Bob Withers. This Morning Sun book is the second in a series of all-color volumes to cover all diesels of the B&O. This volume covers switchers organized by manufacturer, the RDC's, and the early roadswichers by ALCO, F-M, and EMD. The end pieces list the entire B&O diesel roster. 59.95

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10169 "Encyclopedia of B&O Cabooses, Vol 5, Eight-wheel Wood Cars." by Dwight Jones. Covers the I-1 to I-4, I-6, I-9, I-10, and I-14 classes. Included are detailed rosters of each class, assignment information, diagrams, drawings, maps, charts and graphs providing thorough coverage of each class. Additional chapters cover caboose trucks, costs, marker lights, and painting and lettering. Coverage also includes coaches converted for use as temporary cabooses. A detailed index allows easy access to specific information on all 5 volumes. 46.99

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10170 "B&O Power in Color, Volume 3, Geeps", by Bob Withers. This Morning Sun book is the third and final in a series of all-color volumes to cover all diesels of the B&O. This volume covers the GP's by EMD with a very quick look at Baldwin units. The end pieces are reproductions of ads by EMD and Baldwin. 59.95

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10174 "West of Cumberland, Book Three, Fairmont Terminal", by Terry Arbogast. Covers the story of over 70 years of history of the greatest coal marshaling yard on the entire B&O system. The book is hardbound, containing 472 pages on 100# coated paper (32 pages in color), with more than 700 photos. 65.00

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10177 "The Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal History", by David Leider. Traces the Chicago Terminal from its 1867 inception through the B&O years to the formation of CSX in 1980. The book is softbound, 325 pages, with more than 280 photos, 46 in color, 128 maps, and 20 drawings/illustrations. Published by the author. 44.95

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10178 "Railroad Prototype Cyclopedia - Vol 35 -- the 1937 AAR Box Car" All you ever would want to know about this ubiquitous piece of railroad rolling stock. Softbound, 385 pages. 75.00

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10179 "Chessie System in Color Vol 2: B&O West End", by Brad McClelland. A Morning Sun book covering the B&O in Southern Indiana and Ohio. Each chapter follows a B&O line out of Cincinnati and several secondary lines in this region during the colorful years from 1977 to 1988. 69.95

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10180 "Chessie System in Color Vol 3: B&O East End", by Jeremy Plant. A Morning Sun book featuring B&O lines from Philadelphia and Baltimore to Grafton, WV and Connellsville, PA, as well as operations in and around Baltimore, the District of Columbia, and Cumberland. B&O, C&O, and Western Maryland are portrayed in action. 69.95

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10182 "Encyclopedia of B&O Cabooses, Vol 6", by Dwight Jones. Covers early 4- and 8-wheel cabooses (primarily BR&P and B&S), and cars from B&OCT, Alton, GM&O, and SIRT. Included are detailed rosters of each class, assignment information, diagrams, drawings, maps, charts and graphs providing thorough coverage of each class. Additional chapters cover marker lights, and painting and lettering. A detailed index allows easy access to specific information on all 6 volumes. 57.99

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10183 "Ghost Rails XIX B&O Lakers", by Wayne Cole. This hardcover book is described as the Complete History of the Lake Branch to Fairport Harbor Ohio on lake Erie. The journey starts in New Castle Pennsylvania and travels though Youngstown and Painsville Ohio. This history includes the FP&E and Grand River Railway in 2021. 70.00

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10184 "Staten Island Railroad", by Robert Yanosey. This softcover book of 96 pages covers the history of the SIRT from 1952 to 1987 through color photos and a couple of maps. The B&O obtained control of SIRT in 1885 and it and its successors maintained control until 1985. 39.95

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10185 "A Guide to Historical Modeling of Baltimore and Ohio Locomotives from 1900 to 1987", by Greg Smith. This softbound book of more than 500 pages is a prime reference and workbook for modelers and historians. There are 294 locomotive references covered by more than 17,000 data entries. There is the roster for the title period, including the renumbering of 1957. Also included are lists of commercially-published photos and available models and decals. 59.95

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10186 "Observation Car Color Portfolio Vol 1", by Robert Yanosey. This softbound book is the usual Morning Sun item of 96 pages covering railroads alphabetically from A&WO to CB&Q. There are sixteen (16) pages with 32 B&O images.. 39.95

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10187 "1950s Freight Car Color Guide Vol 1: Boxcars", by Kincaid and Donnelly. This book is the usual Morning Sun item of 128 pages covering railroads alphabetically. There are not many photos for each railroad, but the B&O is as well represented as almost any other line. 69.95

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10188 "B&O -- Steam on the West Slope", by Thomas Kraemer. This is a 64 page softbound featuring the photography of Irvin R Walp taken in the 1930s. The photos are B/W and illustrations are in color. The 'West Slope' is the railroad from Sand Patch westward to just beyond Meyersdale. There are sections on the Western Maryland, too. 19.95

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10189 "Building the Lake Branch", by Dan Rager. This 299 page softbound addresses the 'Complete History 1835-2021'. Many villages grew up because of the railroad, and many companies operated the line besides the B&O. All are covered. 74.95

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10190 "CSX Cabooses and Shoving Platforms", by Dwight Jones. This new book is 160 pages of information for CSX, C&O, B&O, L&N, and SBD fans produced in hard cover format and covering the history of CSX cabooses and shoving platforms during the first 20 years or so of the consolidated railroad. The book features the following: 30 color photos, over 200 black and white photos, 17 painting and lettering drawings, 8 detailed rosters, 4 graphs, various company memos and directives, detailed Index, and a summary of current car totals. There are many behind-the-scenes photos as well as shots of freshly painted cars taken all over the eastern United States. 62.95

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10192 "B&O Portsmouth Subdivision", by Dwight Jones. This hardcover book is 246 pages with almost 300 photos, 28 maps, charts, and index. It covers the under-documented line which was begun in 1850. 69.95

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10193 "Railroad Prototype Cyclopedia - Vol 36 -- the 1937 AAR Box Car_2nd" 20 years of improvements you may want to know for this ubiquitous piece of railroad rolling stock. Softbound, 385 pages. 90.00

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10194 The BORHS Company Store is no longer offering this book. Obtain a copy at the following website:

"Silo Point: The New B&O Grain Elevator at Locust Point" by Society member Cathie Zimmerman. The story of the B&O grain elevator at Locust Point and its conversion to condos. 218 pages with 575 photos.
10195 "The National Limited" by TRRA of St Louis H&T Soc. This book is actually a (softbound) 196 page issue of their Society's annual magazine--Issue 78. It covers the story of the B&O all-Pullman train which ran from St Louis to New York from its start in 1925. The NYC competed with the PRR, but the National outshone them with its service. 40.00

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10196 "B&O in Cincinnati" by BORHS. The 2023 convention booklet describes the Cincinnati area and its history with excerpts from many history sources, as has been done for past conventions. Softbound rather than comb, 280 pages with many photos, maps, diagrams, and tables. 25.00

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10197 "B&O's AAR Standard Offset-Side Twin Hopper Cars " by Brian Rochon on behalf of BORHS. Just about all you could wish to know about B&O's N-35, N-41 and N-44 hoppers (including sub-classes). Softbound, 72 pages with many photos (a few in color), map, diagrams, and tables. 36.95

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10198 "Portrait of the B&O Lake Branch, Part 2 with EM-1" by Dan Rager. This book is described as a 'Photo Edition' providing a panoramic view of the Lake Branch from Painesville to DeForest Jct. The EM-1 on the branchh is a special feature. Many color photos, 106 pages, softbound. 65.95

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10199 "2024 Convention" by BORHS. The 2024 convention booklet describes the St Louis area and its history with excerpts from many history sources, as has been done for past conventions. Softbound rather than comb, 280 pages with many photos, maps, diagrams, and tables. 32.00

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10200 "B&O A Lingering Memory 1971-1994" by Peter Brill. This book follows the B&O from New Jersey to West Virginia with mostly color photogaphs of 38 locations. Maps, illustrations, and history. Softbound. 65.00

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10201 "The Wreck of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway", by James Krause. The "Wreck" is of the financial kind. Owners, managers, and Wall Street bankers did their best to commit fraud. Hardbound. 49.98

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