If you are already subscribed to The Sentinel electronic version, scroll down to the Download Area.
The Sentinel in an electronic version
The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Historical Society offers The Sentinel quarterly magazine in an electronic version (referenced as eSentinel) which can be downloaded from one of the links below. To sign up for this optional way of receiving the magazine, members should send an email to Membership or mark the appropriate checkbox on their annual membership renewal form. Members have the option to receive our quarterly magazine, The Sentinel, by mail through the postal service, through digital download, or members can receive both methods of delivery for an additional fee of $10.00. This election must be made at the time of membership renewal, or at the time a new member submits an application for membership. Members desiring to receive the eSentinel will be provided download instructions from the Society Webmaster. All communications with Membership must include your member number (unless you are a new member and have not yet received this information), your mailing address, and your email address. You must provide a current email address to enroll as a subscriber for our electronic version; otherwise, there will be no way of notifying you when a new copy has been released for download and there will be no way for you to access the download area. There are more details on the Sentinel page regarding signing up for the eSentinel.
- Must be member in good standing.
- Members signed up to receive electronic versions will be notified by email when a new copy has been posted on this web site. The email will contain a link to this page where the member must sign into a password secured area to begin the download. Therefore, it is important that the member's current email address always be provided to the Membership Chair. When the new copy has been loaded on our web site, there will also be a notice posted on the Home Page.
- Only the most recent edition of the eSentinel, and for a limited time, the pervious edition, will be available for download. It is the member's responsibility to preserve this copy and maintain it in a secure location on their computer. This electronic version is Copyrighted by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Historical Society with All Rights Reserved. This electronic version cannot be copied and given to other members or associates, reproduced in any manner except for personal use, nor can it be sold. If a member desires a hard copy of this magazine in addition to the electronic version, one may be purchased through the Company Store link shown in the Navigation Bar at the top of this page.
- There are two electronic versions available for download. There is a low resolution version most suitable for viewing on a computer or tablet. The file size for this version ranges from approximately 4 megabytes to approximately 6 megabytes. There is also a high resolution version that ranges from 40 to sometimes 75 megabytes in size. The primary difference is the quality of the photos. While both files contain photos that are suitable for normal viewing, the high resolution copy will permit the viewer to zoom in closer on the photographs and be able to see the most detail. eSentinel subscribers may download either size, or obtain a downloadable copy of both sizes if desired.
- Society members may elect to receive a paper copy of The Sentinel magazine, a digital copy in lieu of a paper copy, or both paper and digital for an additional fee. This election will be made at the time membership renewal, or at the time a new applicant submits an application for membership to the Society.
- If a member submits a membership renewal and does not specify which copy of the magazines is desired, the member will be automatically sent a paper copy as the delivery default. So if you are receiving a digital copy as a part of your membership, and you wish to continue receiving your digital copy, please include your preference as a part of your renewal.
- Send email to Membership by clicking on this icon if you have any questions about your membership or your interest in our digital eSentinel. Specify your first and last name, your membership number, and your current mailing address to help speed the process.
Are you interested? You should try before you convert. Free download available
We have set up two links for you to test before you commit to subscribing to this service. We have taken a portion of a recent edition of The Sentinel and made it available for download without obligation by you. The hard copy Sentinel is 40 pages. These sample copies are the first 6 pages of the normal publication. One link has the low resolution version; the other link the high resolution version. You can download either copy, or both, to help you decide. Thus, you can compare the printed copy received through the mail with the downloaded copy of the eSentinel.
To download the larger, high resolution sample copy, click on this link
To download the lower resolution sample copy, click on this link.
Protect your downloaded copy
For those who have subscribed to the digital version, the eSentinel copy will be available for download at the same time that the paper copy has been printed. Ensure that you perform your download in a timely manner upon notification that the new edition is available. Please backup your computer hard drive to ensure that your copy of the eSentinel will always be available to you for your enjoyment.
Download Area
eSentinel Magazine
- Your user name and password should have been provided to you soon after you became a subscriber to our digital edition, but it may take several days for your activation to be completed. Have those codes ready to input when asked. For membership questions, click this to send email to Membership. For download or password help, including a reset of your original password, click this to email the webmaster.
- You have a choice of downloading a high resolution copy of the eSentinel or a low resolution version. The download file size for our high resolution eSentinel is very large. If, due to your restricted internet bandwidth or for other reasons, you do not desire to download the large eSentinel edition, we also provide a smaller sized eSentinel that will greatly speed up download times and reduce bandwidth requirements. The major difference between the two files is in the photographs, which have been reduced from super high quality to normal quality. This change will not be noticeable to most readers, but will reduce the eSentinel download file size to approximately 4-6 MB.
- When you have been notified by email or announcement on the Home Page that the new edition of the eSentinel is available, be certain that you have downloaded the previous quarter's eSentinel. If you have not done so, you may still download your copy of the high or low resolution version of that issue by clicking the appropriate link below:
last quarter's high resolution eSentinel,
last quarter's smaller size eSentinel.
- If you want the high resolution copy of the new eSentinel edition, click here.
- If you desire to download the smaller file of the new eSentinel, click here.
- Finally, download any Sentinel insert(s) shown by link(s) below.
Current eSentinel Magazine Inserts
A PDF viewer like Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is required to view the electronic version of The Sentinel and any inserts. A free version is available by selecting this Adobe link:
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